January 17 2010 - Updato!
Howdy y'all! Another year, another update!
Nothing spectacular though; one Wednesday gig coming up in a few weeks at Club Liberte in Helsinki. We're playing with Lucy Was Driving, which are nice and cool, so hope to see you there.
AND there's a super duper special special musical super night coming up in April. A happening to end all happenings. You won't want to miss that, so don't make plans for the entire month! Or maybe just the latter part, maybe the last day. We'll let you know when we know more. BUT it's super cool. Can't wait. -ville - int'l man of mystery.
March 2 2009 - Small updates
Hey ho! A couple of nice reviews of T.I.T.N.W.O.P.R. can be found at:
- Lammas zine (Finnish)
- Vertigo.cd (also Finnish)
Also, we have a rare gig coming up in a week or so at Lepakkomies. Hope to see you there. Peace peace pax pax. - vk
September 17 2008 - Hyvinkää Record Fair
Hey y'all. Blanket will be on display at the next record fair in Hyvinkää next Saturday. It's the biggest record fair in Finland and it will be at Wanha Villatehdas, Kankurinkatu 4-6, Hyvinkää from 11am to 4pm on the 20th of September. We'll be talking crap and selling records and shirts for crazy discount prices. So if you happen to be in the neighborhood, come by and say hi!
April 10 2008 - Finally. An update!
Hey, a while since an update. Since the last one, we’ve had a couple of nice gigs and recorded some stuff on our own. We have a few new video clips online; pieces from the last gig at Night Life Helsinki and a very cool music video for our song "Action". The thought-provoking video raises all kinds of questions as the plot thickens. Where’s this guy (or girl) going to? Running away from something? Lost with children crying in the back seat? Check it out and make up your own mind. It was made by our good friend Siwa and it was filmed on location in Loen, Norway.
YouTube videos:
"Action" by Blanket
Clips of Blanket Live at Night Life on Feb 29 2008
The album "“This is the New Wave of Political Rock" has its 1st birthday today as it was released exactly one year ago. It has still been accepted well, the independent music webzine Noise.fi gave it a rating of 4/5 and wrote an informed review as well (in Finnish only).
As you might know, all of Blanket’s tunes are "Copy Encouraged" and we’re not involved with any copyright or music licensing agency such as Teosto here in Finland, so you are free to use our music online and wherever without any charge. Just contact us and we’ll give you the green light to use our tunes anywhere you like.
As a result of this free access, Blanket’s music will be featured on the upcoming snowboard movie "Shopfloor" by Storbis. The movie should be out this fall and it will be distributed along the Onboard snowboarding magazine. The lineup in the movie is top notch, so it should be a good one, and we’re happy to help.
If you’re into Facebookin’, you should definitely join the revolutionary Moose Liberation Front group. As depicted all over our album cover art and booklet, this underground group is always looking for new recruits. It's imporant to choose the right side in the unavoidable confrontation between man and animal. Alces alces, my friends!
At the moment, Blanket is taking it easy with guys traveling around and all kinds of family stuff, but we'll be back. We might have some cool stuff brewing for next autumn. Peace and love.
June 6 2007 - Romuradio and gigs too
Hi there. Ville will be on Romuradio tomorrow Thursday 7th of June from 1600 to 1800 hrs local Finnish time. Romuradio is a local radio station based in Myyrmäki and it can be heard throughout the greater Helsinki metropolitan area at 102,4 MHz. Ville will be playing some Blanket tracks as well as some other favorite tunes on Late’s show, so check it out.
We’ve also added a few gigs for June 2007. One outdoor one for those on vacation on June 19th and one at On the Rocks in Helsinki on June 27th featuring an awesome line-up. Hope to see you there.
The LP “This is the New Wave of Political Rock” has been received very well and it’s been selling ok as well. So keep on spreading the good word! Hope to see at the shows.
April 20 2007 - Shirts and more
Hey. We had a great record release party at Semifinal, thanks to everyone who showed to support and bought the album and/or t-shirt. Both the album and the shirts are now for sale online at the Blanket shop, reasonably priced as usual.
The album's been out for 10 days now and we've been getting great feedback from it. We put a lot of effort in to it and we're glad it shows. The music is on new level for us and we owe huge thanks to Jaakko Vierikko who recorded and produced the album and helped arrange the songs and came up with all kinds of ideas.
The cover pictures were taken and edited by Jussi Hyttinen from Kerosin and the design is courtesy of Jaakko Seppälä. We hid a whole bunch of stuff in the leaflet with all kinds of secret meanings and codes for the curious minds, some detective work for the quiet hours for you guys. Everything has a meaning, we promise. We might have some sort of competition on those in the future. We'll also have some more MLF related content in the future to keep you up to date on the latest adventures of our favorite revolutionary animals. Alces alces!
The "Action" single has been sent to some Finnish radio stations, so if you have the time, you can help our cause a lot by asking them to play some bootyshaking Blanket. Here's who you should bug:
Radio Helsinki:
Radio Rock:
Radio Suomipop:
Thanks a lot, take care and spread the good word on the album!
Leaflet erratum #1: the picture of the Panamanian pig on page 10 was taken by Anni and the action shot on page 6 was taken by JSK. Sorry!
April 10 2007 - Album out now!
Hi there. It's out. Blanket's debut album "This is the New Wave of Political Rock" is available right now at the Blanket Shop. It's also available at Stupido Shop in Helsinki and it will be available at Savepoint in Myyrmanni this afternoon.
The record release party is tomorrow at Semifinal; I hope you can all make it there. Naturally you can buy album there and as well as some t-shirts we just printed. The schedule is bit earlier than usual, Clark Kent will play at 2030 hrs and we'll start around 2130 hrs, so show up early.
As promised, all the mp3's from the album can be downloaded soon from the MP3 page, we just need to get the page and the mp3's encoded. They should be up today.
Whew. Stay tuned. More to come soon.
March 27 2007 - First single
"Action" is the first single off our debut album and it's available for mp3 download now. The song is a straight-forward rock song and it should give an idea on what to expect from the album itself. We'd love to hear what you think of the new Blanket material, so drop us a line via our guestbook and let us know what you think.
The song - as the whole album - is released with a Creative Commons license that allows free copying of the music as long as it's not done for profit. This means that you can copy and distribute and use Blanket's music as you like, no copy protection, no DRM. We'll try to explain this concept better when the album comes out.
We'll also be doing some major re-modeling work with these pages, we'll include an option to pre-purchase the album, so it will be delivered to you on the release date. So you might want to keep checking these out once in a while, it's going to be good.
February 12 2007 - Media update
Hi. On Thursday the 14th of February, Ville will be a guest on the internet radio station Radio Noise. The program "Värinää" is hosted by Tom Sundberg and will feature Ville from 20.00 to 22.00 hrs Finnish time on the internet dial. They'll be talking about the upcoming album and a few tracks will be previewed off the new album. So surf on to http://radio.noise.fi and tune in.
February 11 2007 - The Blanket Album
We're proud and most of all relieved to let you know that:
the Blanket LP will be released on Tuesday April 10th 2007!
The name of the album will be "This Is The New Wave of Political
Rock" and the track listing is:
1. Madeleine the Murderer (intro)
2. Eyes Wide Shut
3. Ivalo
4. Reservoir
5. Action
6. Bulletproof
7. Interlude #1
8. Fanatic
9. My Two Hands
10. Software Developer
11. Bags Under My Eyes
12. Henry the Killer
Running length approx 40 minutes
We've had some personal life stuff that has postponed the release but we hope the wait has been worth it. The cover has an awesome panorama picture taken and put together by Jussi Hyttinen from Kerosin and the amazing cover art has been made by Jaakko Seppälä. We will also do an extreme makeover to these ancient pages and hope to have some cool content as well as an first single from the album before April. Stay tuned, it's getting awesome.